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PrepperBuckets LLC

Pinto Beans

Pinto Beans

Regular price $59.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $59.99 USD
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30 pounds of pinto beans, packaged and sealed in 7mm Mylar bag with 2000cc oxygen absorber and diatomaceous earth for long term storage.

Note: bucket lids are pressed on with rubber mallet and may be difficult to open. Bucket/Pale openers are recommended.

Disclosure: PrepperBuckets LLC shall not be held responsible for the use of this product. All products are intended for long term storage only and not for regular use or consumption. PrepperBuckets LLC shall not be held responsible for this product not meeting the expectations or claims made in the description of said product. Specifically in regards to the time duration such product lasts or is suggested to last for storage or consumption.

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